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IBDNA USA offers an electropherogram of your DNA test results for just $60.
A Personal electropherogram gives you the opportunity to view your one and
only DNA sequence in the form of a computer-generated graphs which shows
the DNA fragments analysed during DNA sequencing.

Order now $60


Price: $60
Testing: Parental and Relationship Tests

In simple terms, an electropherogram enables you to visualise the results of that which happens during a stage of DNA analysis known as electrophoresis (a process enabling the sorting of molecules based on size). The fragments of DNA are fluorescently labelled (using fluorescent primers in PCR). A laser will read the quantity of fluorescence as the DNA runs past it, so instead of seeing a band on the gel you get to see a fluorescent peak wherever there are labelled DNA fragments.

A Sample Electropherogram Image

 Example of an Electropherogram

Available for the Following Tests:

• DNA profiling services
• Paternity testing (available for post-birth but not prenatal testing)
• DNA sequencing
• Relationship tests

Sequences are shown by sharp, high peaks (as shown in the diagram) – the readings obviously vary to each person’s very own sequence, so electropherograms are truly exclusive to each individual.The peaks on the graphs represent alleles at loci.

When you order, click on the image below (sample) and your how very own DNA profile will be depicted.

Click here to view image of electropherogram

I Would Like to Order – How do I go About it?

Ordering this service is easy! When samples are received, you will be sent an email with your result due date. This email will also allow you to add the electropherogram. Alternatively, you just need to contact us by email or telephone and we will add the electropherogram to your results.

The Cost Please?

Your very own personal electropherogram will only cost you $60 per test result – this will include a hard copy which will be sent as an email attachment along with your results. The cost of an electropherogram is a standard fee and does not vary depending on the type of test.

After Completion will I still get my Electropherogram?

You can apply for your electropherogram if your DNA analysis was carried out by IBDNA – even after your test has been concluded.

If you are already a customer of ours just send your full name, case reference and request to [email protected]

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